For the complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$ there are many different ways of defintion and representations. In Hamilton's approach they are the set $\mathbb{R}^2$ of ordered pairs of real numbers, or briefly $\mathbb{R}^2$-vectors.
Vectors are elements of vector spaces, which are defined over fields, for example $\mathbb Q$, $\mathbb R$ or $\mathbb C$. Fields are sets with two binary operations, addition (+) and multiplication ($\cdot$), which together satisfy the field axioms for arbitrary members $a$, $b$ and $c$ of the set:
To be a field, the set and the operations must behave 'normal' like we know from the real numbers.
In the vectorial representation of the complex numbers, where $z=a+ib$ is written $\vec{z}={\small \begin{pmatrix} {a} \\ {b} \end{pmatrix}}$ or even more vectorial with indexed coordinates as $\vec{z}={\small \begin{pmatrix}{z_0}\\{z_1} \end{pmatrix}}$, the multiplication is defined with the matrix representation of the first factor: $\vec{z}\cdot \vec{w} = {\small \begin{pmatrix}{z_0} & {-z_1} \\ {z_1} & {z_0} \end{pmatrix}} \cdot \vec{w} $.
The indexing of the coordinates I started by zero, in the way like programmers do and in the same way, like i mirrored Euler's equation in the preamble, just to start with the ultimate reference point, zero.
For $\mathbb R^{n>2}$-vectors there is no 'normal' multiplication available, which could satisfy all field axioms.
Further it is prooven, beyond the already mentioned ones ($\mathbb R$, $\mathbb C$, $\mathbb H$ and $\mathbb O$) there are no more division algebras over the real numbers. And this hurts badly:
If there are zero divisors, elements without multiplicative inverse, we have to give up the very useful rule: a product is only then zero, if at least one of its factors is zero.
And still, the generalization of the complex numbers, by replacing 2 with n is worth of further investigations.
I can promise some surpising results...
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